Durand Heritage Foundation Bylaws
ARTICLE I | NAME OF ORGANIZATION | The name of this organization shall be THE DURAND HERITAGE FOUNDATION, hereinafter referred to as DHF. |
ARTICLE II | PURPOSE OF ORGANIZATION | The mission of DHF shall be to preserve and make available to its members and others the family and cultural heritage of the ancestors and descendants of Jean Durand of Doeil-sur-le-Mignon, Saint Onge, Charente Maritime, France (1636-1671) and Catherine Annennontak, Huron Nation, Canada (1648-1709) by encouraging and supporting research, scholarship, publication, and other activities consistent with the mission of DHF through the voluntary efforts of its members. |
ARTICLE III | MEMBERSHIP | Any person who supports the DHF mission, meets the criteria for general membership, and completes the “DHF Subscriber” enrollment form will be considered a member. Membership is voluntary. |
ARTICLE IV | BOARD OF DIRECTORS | Section 1. Board shall govern. DHF shall be governed by a Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the Board) composed of not less than seven (7) and not more than eleven (11) persons.
Section 2. Powers and duties of Board. Within the limits prescribed by law and these Bylaws, the Board shall have all the powers and duties necessary and appropriate to conduct the affairs of DHF. Section 3. Term of Office. The term of office for a Director shall be three (3) years. Section 4. Election of Directors. Directors shall be elected by DHF members at the Annual Meeting, with elections arranged so that approximately one-third of the Board is elected each year. A Director who has served a three-year term shall hold office until a successor is elected and takes office. Unless a Director is elected to fill a mid-term vacancy on the Board, a Director’s term of office shall begin immediately following the Annual Meeting. Section 5. Vacancies. The Board may fill vacancies on the Board that occur between Annual Meetings by nomination and election by the remaining members of the Board. A Director elected to fill a vacancy shall serve until the next Annual Meeting and shall be automatically nominated at that Annual Meeting to serve a three-year term. Section 6. Removal from office. In the event of unexcused absences from two consecutive regular meetings of the Board, a Director may be removed from office. On written petition by a Director so removed, the Director may be reinstated with the approval of the Board. Section 7. No compensation. Directors shall receive no compensation from DHF. Directors and other members may be reimbursed by DHF for actual expenses incurred in the performance of those duties or tasks explicitly authorized by the Board. Section 8. Quorum. The presence of forty percent (40%) of the Board at any duly convened meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all authorized business. The acts of a quorum shall be the acts of the Board, except where a greater number of voting Directors is required by law or these Bylaws. Section 9. No proxy votes. Proxy votes are prohibited. Section 10. Parliamentary authority. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority for parliamentary and procedural issues not explicitly addressed in these Bylaws. |
ARTICLE V | MEETINGS | Section 1. Meetings are open. All meetings shall be open to any DHF member.
Section 2. General membership meeting. DHF shall hold at least one general membership meeting each calendar year. The general membership meeting shall be the Annual Meeting. At the Annual Meeting the principal officers of DHF shall carry out such business as required by these Bylaws and other usual and customary business of a membership organization. Section 3. Reasonable notice of meetings. The date, time, and place of DHF meetings shall, as often as practicable, be posted to provide timely notice to the general membership. Those persons responsible for convening meetings to conduct the business of DHF shall be responsible for providing reasonable notice of such meetings. |
ARTICLE VI | OFFICERS | Section 1. Principal officers. The principal Officers of DHF shall be Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. At its discretion, the Board may designate other permanent and temporary officers.
Section 2. Term of office. Officers shall be elected from the membership at the Annual Meeting for a term of two years, or until their successors are elected. Section 3. Removal from office. An Officer may be removed from office by majority vote of the Board, if notice of such intended removal is received by each Board member at least thirty (30) days before the vote for removal. Section 4. Chair is principal officer. The Chair shall be the principal officer of DHF. The Chair shall organize and preside at membership meetings and meetings of the Board and the Executive Committee. With the advice of the Board, the Chair shall appoint members to the committees of DHF. Section 5. Duties of Vice-Chair. The Vice Chair shall perform such duties as assigned by the Chair and shall act as Chair in the absence or disability of that person. Section 6. Duties of Secretary. The Secretary shall be responsible for collecting and safeguarding the official, non-financial records of DHF, including the minutes of all meetings. The Secretary shall give or cause to be given proper notice of DHF meetings and other notices required by law or these Bylaws and shall present a list of current members for general distribution at the Annual Meeting. Section 7. Duties of Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep the financial records of DHF, receive and deposit DHF income, and issue payment for expenses approved by the Executive Committee or the Board. The Treasurer shall present a written financial report at the Annual Meeting that describes the income and expenses of DHF and prepare other such other reports as may be requested by the Board. Section 7.1. Duties of the Investment Fund Manager. The Investment Fund Manager shall oversee the investment accounts of DHF and its subsidiaries. The Investment Fund Manager need not be a DHF Officer. Attendance, reporting, and specific responsibilities of the Investment Fund Manager shall be determined by the Board. Section 8. Duties not inclusive. The powers and duties of Officers described in this Article are not inclusive. The Board may assign other powers and duties to the Officers of DHF. |
ARTICLE VII | COMMITTEES | Section 1. Creation of committees. The Board may create and dissolve committees, assign the duties and responsibilities of such committees, and approve the membership of such committees. Any member or Honorary Member of DHF is eligible to serve as a member of any committee except the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Executive Committee is permitted. The Board may establish an Executive Committee of no less than five (5) and no more than seven (7) members to conduct the affairs of DHF between meetings of the membership and/or the Board. The Executive Committee shall include at a minimum the principal Officers and the immediate past Chair. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair, who will chair the Executive Committee and report on its actions to the Board. Section 3. Standing committees are permitted. The Board may create standing committees in addition to the Executive Committee. The Board shall delineate the powers and duties of each standing committee. The Chair shall appoint members to standing committees and, with the advice of the Board, designate the chair of each standing committee. The chair of a standing committee shall be an ex officio, voting member of the Board. Section 4. Committee meetings. Committee meetings shall be held at such times and places agreeable to a majority of the committee members. A simple majority of each committee’s members shall constitute a quorum. |
ARTICLE VIII | FINANCIAL AFFAIRS | Section 1. Fiscal year. The DHF fiscal year shall be the calendar year.
Section 2. Treasurer to keep records. The DHF financial records shall be kept by the Treasurer. Section 3. Inspection of records. The DHF financial records shall be open for inspection by any member of DHF on reasonable notice to the Board. Section 4. Authority to obligate the Foundation. The Board may authorize one or more of the Officers of DHF to negotiate contractual agreements on behalf of DHF. Such authorization shall be only for projects that have received prior review and approval by the Board. Section 5. No indebtedness without authorization. No loans shall be contracted nor indebtedness incurred on behalf of DHF unless authorized by resolution of the Board before the fact. Section 6. Deposit of funds. All DHF funds shall be deposited in a timely manner to the account(s) of DHF in such banks or depositories as the Board may approve. |
ARTICLE IX | PRINCIPAL OFFICE | The principal office of DHF shall be in the metropolitan area of Minneapolis-St. Paul at a location determined by the Board. |
ARTICLE X | AMENDMENTS | These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the board members present at any regular or special DHF board meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been given to all members at least 30 days in advance. |
ARTICLE XI | DISSOLUTION | Dissolution of DHF, if necessary, will comply with MN Statutes 317A.701 through 317A.791. After paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, the distribution of DHF assets will be in accordance with MN statute 317A.735 |
Join The Board!
We encourage foundation members to become active as a Board of Directors member.
If you interested in being on the board or becoming an officer, please contact the current Chair by phone, mail, or email.