• God Calls...One Durand Response By Sister Manette Durand, CSJ
  • Clint Skywalker: Skydiver, Pilot, Builds Tall stuff by Clint Hillis, as told to John Durand
  • A Vision for the Future Board members share their views of what's working and what needs fixing. By Roger Durand, Secretary
  • In 1948 I changed from Being a Girl to being a Boy Read about this amazing feat in "For What It's Worth" by John Durand
  • Memories of the Great Flu Epidemic By Elinore Becker Durand- Published posthumously. Elinore, describes the tragedy of losing he baby brother and two sisters to the great epidemic. Leaving just her and her father they somehow managed to continue with a deep sense of loss to live out the rest of their lives with devotion, prayer and thankfulness.
  • Napoleon & Louise Durand, Life, Love & Faith Amongst Trials and Tribulations Authored by Mike Durand, this article tells about the tragedy that this young couple experienced just prior to and also shortly after their marriage. It relates how they overcame these experiences, and lived a life of happiness and success, full of song and prayer despite the tragedies.
  • This newsletter is packed with some great classical photos which many people have never seen before. A brief article is written by Mike Durand, about his grandparents Pierre and Marie Louise Durand. In his article, Were Pierre & Marie Durand really cousins?, the question is answered once and for all.
  • Twenty Durand Questions/Twenty Durand Answers is an intriguing and humorous quiz testing your knowledge of our Durand family history.  Twenty-three and…Who? compares the genealogical similarities and inconsistencies of DNA testing results of two cousins. Obituaries of Charles Lewis Durand and Judy Durand Drinkwine.  And more…
  • Thirty-two pages in length. A must-have edition!
  • The Way It Was: A collection of memories as told to his children, Lewis Durand
  • Legacy of A Farm by Karen Durand Urben
    • The Felix and Anna Durand Story by Noella Durand Hage
    • How I Remember My Aunts and Uncles by Dianne Durand Zimmer
  • Leo Phillip Durand Leo Phillip Durand (cover photo) is the feature story of this edition, written by his son Roger. This story relates in detail about his youth, marriage and joining the Army and the WWII campaign in France as well as the proud grandparents of a beautiful family today.
  • Once out of print but now available as a book. This book presents the George Durand family as of 1997.
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